Critter Oil

In 1987, Holistic Pet Care Consultant, Susan R.Griffin, developed and began using  in her grooming shop, The Clip Joint, a special blend of pure essential herbal oils, which she called Critter Oil®. She chose this name because Critter Oil® is usable on every kind of 4 legged and 2 legged “critter” including people, and because it safely helps eliminate all kinds of unwanted “critters” from pets,people, plants and the environment.

Just this 1/2 oz bottle can replace hundreds of dollars worth of products because it is only the “active ingredients”  not fillers or the 97% inactive ingredients found in individual, pre-mixed products. Why pay top dollar for ‘sudsy stuff’ and water, alcohol, etc. And why pay shipping costs for those things either when you probably have them in your kitchen cabinets. Just follow our simple uses and directions and replace an amazing number of pre-mixed products.


Copyright © Naturals For Animals – Home of Critter Oil

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